
Interview with Elizabeth Moylan, Biology Editor at BioMed Central

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Elizabeth Moylan

Elizabeth Moylan completed her PhD at the University of Oxford and worked as a post doc before moving into publishing. She is currently Biology Editor at BioMed Central, an open access publisher. In her role as Biology Editor, Elizabeth has editorial responsibility for the biology journals, oversees editorial polices and manages the peer review process.

Speaking at the recent Peer Review: The Nuts and Bolts workshop hosted by Sense about Science on April 25th, Elizabeth was asked to expand on the issue of ‘professional’ peer review, an interesting and novel topic for many in the audience. I asked Elizabeth to share her thoughts on this issue and others below:

What is ‘professional’ peer review?

Inside the Mind of a Peer Reviewer

Interview with Professor Peter Ayton


Associate Dean of Research for the Department of Psychology at City University London.

An interview examining what goes through the mind of a peer reviewer when they are asked to look at a paper and some top tips for Postgraduates who may be going through the process themselves. Have a listen and let us know if this is what goes through your head when you’re asked yet again to peer review. Tweet us @peerrevwatch or the author @mishagajewski or leave a comment below.